Excuse Me…..May I Have a Little Work-Life Balance? 5 Stress Management Tips for Estheticians
As estheticians, our jobs revolve around taking care and pouring into others. In all the hustle and bustle it’s easy to lose yourself. When you’re are a full-time beauty professional and business owner too, finding balance and completing everything from your to-do list can be challenging. Plus, add family, chores, and other tasks to the list, and there you have it. Seriously, as if managing your own business, or working full time, wasn’t enough. You have to juggle a ton of other tasks.
Being a business owner, especially in the first years of working; is mildly said – demanding. After a while, you begin to understand that there is a whole palette of goals, tasks, obligations, and whatnots to manage. And honestly, that is one of the aspects that makes being an entrepreneur interesting! Working on your passion as an esthetician is beyond fulfilling. However, after a while, you may get lost in all the work, especially if you are doing everything yourself. Suddenly, finding work-life balance, along with some time for yourself; feels like mission impossible. Are you stretching yourself too thin? Not sure if you are? Need some help assessing whether or not you're pushing yourself too far?
Here are a few signs that answer these questions and clearly show that you need some help, support, and stress management:
You forget about things you have committed to or signed up to attend.
You are doing everything yourself. You are the esthetician, the accountant, the secretary, the social media manager, the marketing specialist, and everything else.
Your main hobby is your work.
You rarely feel rested.
You are so exhausted that you can fall asleep anywhere.
You make careless mistakes everywhere – at work, when sending emails and texts, on the road, etc.
You always feel on edge, agitated and anxious, impatient about everything.
You have multiple tabs open on your computer.
If you are already anxiously nodding and looking for ways out of the chaos, here are 5 tips to help you:
Ask for help – you can’t do everything on your own.
You don’t need to be a well-established large corporation to have some help! You can start small. For example, you can divide some home tasks between you and your partner. If your kids are old enough, assign some chores for them too! In addition, it is handy to outsource and hire someone to help you with at least one aspect of your esthetician business. Hire an accountant, maybe a digital marketer, someone to help you check all the boxes off your to-do list, or someone who will help you answer and tend to all of your inquiries. Having everything split and sorted will do wonders for your well-being. Even having one thing less to worry about will be a relief!
Take a deep breath it’s free, it works, and can save you from having to make an apology later. I know, you hear this everywhere but it is about time you try it. Take a deep breath, hold it for a short while and release it slowly. Repeat this several times and you will see that it is one of the best stress management exercises you can always practice. Simply breathe and give yourself permission to relax. Acknowledge your emotions and release them as you exhale.
Taking care of your family and business is important, but setting even 15 minutes to take a breather can help a lot. When you are not rested or you don’t pay attention to your well-being, you won’t be able to take care of everything or anyone else. Read one chapter from your favorite book before bed, do daily yoga for 10 minutes, turn off your phone while you are sleeping, take long baths once in a while to soothe your whole body, and practice doing it consistently.
Set realistic expectations and prioritize your goals
You can have ten goals and a hundred tasks, but you cannot possibly complete them all in a short span of time. Instead, split everything into smaller milestones and prioritize what tasks are the most important. Try to realize them within the given time and leave the rest for the future. Going step-by-step will enable you to savor the process and celebrate every small win!
Opt for an individual session
If you need help and support with your business, I would love to help you manage tasks from your to-do list! I can also help you filter and prioritize your to-do list, setting realistic timelines, and expectations.
Stress management can be easily achieved by incorporating several of these tips. If you are interested in having an individual session with me, it costs only $75 to get started. Of course, based on your needs, multiple sessions are also available (and they are very reasonably priced)! Feel free to reach out if you have questions or purchase my one-on-one session today.
Until Next Time
Beautifully Yours,